Imagine a day without computers. How would your remote team communicate? How would you transfer data? How would you communicate with customers and vendors? If your office has experienced some minor connection issues, then you know how frustrating this experience can be. In the event of a more ...
Are you considering using a managed service provider or fractional IT team to help you meet your information technology needs? Whether you don’t have enough IT staff, have fluctuating demands, or are experiencing a problem outside of your expertise, supplementing your IT team can be extremely ...
Oftentimes, larger corporations have the most grandiose security precautions while small businesses skip the extra security measures because they think they don’t need it or don’t have enough in their budget. With years of small business IT experience, our team at Premier IT has seen the effect of ...
It can be a challenging task to recognize when your company's IT department is understaffed, but it's imperative for ensuring the efficient and smooth functioning of your operations. We understand that identifying flaws within your organization can be uncomfortable, but ignoring the signs can lead ...
In today's world, where cybersecurity threats are progressively sophisticated and common, it has become imperative for businesses to ensure the security of their systems. Organizations are increasingly required to conduct comprehensive security measures such as penetration testing for various ...
Have you ever fallen prey to phishing scams? Whether you’ve seen them in passing or personally been a victim of a cybercrime, phishing is prevalent everywhere in the cyber world. So, how do you learn to recognize and defend against phishing attacks? With years of cybercrime experience, our experts at Premier IT are going to explain how commonplace scammers are, show you ...
When an employee leaves, it can be a huge adjustment and a challenge to replace them, but when an IT director is leaving, it can throw everything into chaos. Sometimes, employers may have a sense of dissatisfaction and can proactively alleviate this and maintain their staff. Other times, you may be caught off guard; therefore, process documentation and cross-training can ...
Often, small and mid-sized businesses can find themselves with an overload of responsibilities, leaving employees stretched thin or needing more experience and expertise to tackle complex technical challenges. An increasingly common solution for this is staff augmentation. Staff augmentation can help all types of businesses in various departments and operations, but one ...
In today's digital era, technology empowers us to achieve virtually anything, from staying connected via our phones and tablets to successfully running businesses on laptops and computers. While technology offers invaluable resources and information, it also poses risks when it falls into the wrong hands. These days, cybersecurity isn't just good to have; it's an absolute ...
Have you ever hit the delete button too quickly and had that panic moment? We've all been there when you delete the wrong email or picture, but luckily, with modern technology, it's typically a simple fix to recover what you've lost. Now imagine, out of your control, all of your business's most critical data, files, and information is suddenly gone, whether wrongfully ...