Security, Technology, Support

Choosing the Right Penetration Test for Your Business

In today's world, where cybersecurity threats are progressively sophisticated and common, it has become imperative for businesses to ensure the security of their systems. Organizations are increasingly required to conduct comprehensive security measures such as penetration testing for various reasons, including regulatory compliance, obtaining or renewing cyber insurance, or meeting client requirements.

How to Choose the Right Penetration Test for Your Business

Making a selection to complete a penetration test for your business is an overwhelming endeavor if you don’t know where to begin. Instead of having just an option or two to choose from, pen tests offer multiple types of cyber security testing that can quickly leave you feeling lost. That’s why our team at Premier IT is here to help you simplify the process and help you make the best selection. Choosing the right penetration testing for your business is a time-consuming endeavor, but we’ll answer your most pressing questions and give you tips to help make your decision faster and easier.

What is a Pen Test?

Penetration testing, AKA pen testing, is an ethical form of hacking meant to test cyber tech security in a system, network, or website. It’s essentially a simulation attack on your computer security to determine where there are weak points that can be strengthened against threats.

Related Blog: What Is a Penetration Test and Why Does Your Business Need One?


Types of Penetration Tests

There are numerous types of penetration tests your company can select from to help determine the strength of your cyber security. Here are the main penetration tests IT companies offer:

Each of these pen tests provides a unique simulation to test the effectiveness of a portion of your cyber security. If you’re hoping to enhance your cyber security, selecting one of these penetration tests can help you figure out weak points to determine the best solution for strengthening your system.

Make Sure You’re Protected with Penetration Testing

Stay protected from online attacks. Premier IT's penetration testing services are the solution to enhancing your organization's cyber security.

Factors to Consider for Penetration Testing

With so many different offerings of pen tests, it can be hard to determine what you need. If you’ve had recent cyber security problems, it’s easy to know what areas are lacking. But if you’re trying to get a consensus on all your systems, a red team pen test is likely your best option. When you know you need penetration testing but budget and other specifics require you to make a particular selection, using the seven factors below will help you decide the best route.

1. Company Size

Before selecting the penetration testing type, keep the size of your company in mind. A larger company generally needs more comprehensive testing since they have more parts in their cyber security system. Smaller companies generally have fewer areas that need testing as they often have fewer components. Now, that’s not to say that small companies don’t ever need comprehensive testing.

2. Security Risks

If your company is constantly getting security threats and is noticeably at risk, you need to get a pen test ASAP. The nice thing about noting your security risks is that you should know precisely what needs testing done so you can figure out the best solution to bolster security.

3. Security Requirements

Your company may have certain security requirements that need to be checked off. If that’s the case, it’ll be an easy way to know what security tests to run. However, it’s also important to note that there may be a few more pen tests you’d like to complete as well to cover your own company security objectives.

4. Testing Provider

You don’t want just anyone testing your cyber security. Finding a trustworthy company with a lengthy experience and credible reviews is essential. The better IT company you can find to simulate an attack, the stronger your cyber security defense will be. If you don’t have a strong IT team completing the tests, big issues could easily be missed during the check.

5. Frequency and Availability

Finding a credible IT company ensures that you are getting the frequency of cyber security checks your company needs in a timely manner. While you can find a great IT team in many places, it’s not often that they can devote the time you need amongst other bigger companies in their repertoire. Oftentimes, finding a smaller fractional IT company means that they devote even more time to your company since they have fewer clients in rotation.

6. Budget

The biggest and best IT companies are expensive. If your budget is on the lower end, you need to find a credible pen test provider who can put your needs first and maintain your budget accordingly. At the same time, you want to find someone who knows what they’re doing. Oftentimes, fractional IT companies are the best option for this because they offer ample experience at a fraction of the cost of a full IT team.


Where to Find a Pen Test Provider

If you’d like to find a reputable IT team that offers penetration testing in various areas, Premier IT has just the tools you need. Our skilled IT team has years of experience to help you find weak points in your cyber security system without overcharging you for the service. If you’d like to work with us to get the pen testing your company needs at a lower budget while still getting the best results, we have what it takes.

Reach out today to get started.

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