Many small and medium-sized businesses (SMBs) are facing the same decisions they made as a start-up. But there’s no reason to start over and reinvent the wheel when you have the answers right in front of you. By assessing your digital data, you can make decisions that are vital to not only staying ...
The full effect of the pandemic on small businesses is yet to be seen, although we’re certainly aware of the struggles they’re facing. The silver lining is that small businesses that took note of past tech trends were able to use those to their advantage when remote work became the new normal. For ...
A study by the Pew Research Center found that technology use among Americans 65 and over has grown in recent years: Smartphone ownership climbed from 18% in 2013 to 42% in 2017. Internet usage with broadband technology rose from 14% in 2000 to over 65% in 2017 Tablets were owned by 18% in 2013, but ...
Why should CEOs have at least a basic understanding of technology? The simple answer is because every company in the world relies on technology in some form. Understanding technology enables CEOs to connect and interact productively with multiple tiers within their organization. Some forms of ...
While it may be natural to assume that large businesses are prime targets for cybercriminals, that’s not the case. It’s actually small businesses they target most. Hackers know that small businesses assume they’re safe from cyberattacks and, therefore, put cybersecurity on the backburner. ...
The growing availability of ready-made malware is creating opportunities for even inexperienced criminals to launch their own operations. Attacks are picking up as companies are targeted with ransomware impacting their networks. Despite the advice of many cybersecurity experts to the contrary, instances in which organizations pay the ransom demanded have risen in recent ...
The cyber threats facing small businesses are getting more severe. The pandemic has highlighted those threats, as work from home arrangements have provided fresh meat for hackers keen on exploiting weaknesses in faulty cybersecurity. No longer is it enough to simply protect on-site networks. In the remote work environment, every employee’s at-home network and device needs ...
As companies work to safely reopen offices, voice technology is about to make itself heard. When it comes to ensuring employees stay safe, the fewer touchpoints, the better. Over the past decade, voice technology has grown thanks to voice-activated systems like Alexa, Google, and Siri. The average consumer has gotten pretty used to conversing with an artificial ...
It’s easy to agree that technology has helped businesses to continue working during the coronavirus outbreak. Without a doubt, cloud computing has been key to keeping business-critical services going. The benefits are well documented: cloud infrastructure provides companies the flexibility to scale up and down to cope with changing conditions. And, software-as-a-service, ...
Will this global pandemic improve #customerservice? I am personally experiencing improvements in customer services as a direct result of coronavirus. The “shelter-in-residence” and social distancing have limited businesses offering regular services, but the limited services that businesses are making available are even more critical – and its showing! This is what we are ...