In today's world, where cybersecurity threats are progressively sophisticated and common, it has become imperative for businesses to ensure the security of their systems. Organizations are increasingly required to conduct comprehensive security measures such as penetration testing for various ...
Have you ever fallen prey to phishing scams? Whether you’ve seen them in passing or personally been a victim of a cybercrime, phishing is prevalent everywhere in the cyber world. So, how do you learn to recognize and defend against phishing attacks? With years of cybercrime experience, our experts ...
More and more small and midsize businesses are identifying the importance of implementing and maintaining up-to-date security software, processes and protocols to protect their company's data and information. However, many are not truly aware of how their employees and technology would react to an ...
When considering data security, compliance, and system reliability, a key date for many organizations has occurred - October 10, 2023 marking the end of support for Windows Server 2012 and Windows Server 2012 R2. What does this mean for your organization and what are your next steps?
Cloud computing is something most business owners have heard about in some way, as today’s customers expect things faster and more secure than ever. Utilizing the cloud allows a business to store, manage, and access data and applications over the internet. Not all clouds are the same, however, and ...
Gone are the days of pen and paper record keeping and security being the lock on your filing cabinet. In today's environment, having an IT support team is no longer a 'nice to have' or something that only tech companies need worry about; from streamlining operations to improving customer experiences, the right IT infrastructure can support your business' growth and ...
A productive workplace is crucial to maintaining a successful business. Having reliable employees and sound processes are part of the equation, but what happens when your technology can't keep up with the demands of today's digital-driven landscape? The occurrence of tech issues can significantly impact an organization's ability to operate at its full potential and ...
When you own, operate or manage a small business, you are, without a doubt, juggling a lot of responsibilities. It's easy to overlook the importance of the unseen, and cybersecurity is a common area that small businesses fail to stay on top of or let fall by the wayside. Being proactive in online security is something that companies of any size should take seriously, as ...
If you own, manage or are part of a small business, you may find yourself wondering if you need a designated IT employee or an IT department. It is not a question of whether IT concerns will arise but a matter of when, how often, and how problematic they will be. We've all been there and experienced technological nuisance at the most inopportune moment! A program won't ...
If you are part of a small business, you know there is a lot to manage, and often job duties and responsibilities are plentiful, which can cause some owners and employees to become overwhelmed with an increasing workload. It is often helpful to outsource some responsibilities you may not have the time or proficiency to handle. One such area is IT; it takes a lot of effort ...