Articles - Security (3)

5 Fundamental Cybersecurity Tips for Small Businesses

When you own, operate or manage a small business, you are, without a doubt, juggling a lot of responsibilities. It's easy to overlook the importance of the unseen, and cybersecurity is a common area that small businesses fail to stay on top of or let fall by the wayside. Being proactive in online ...

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Does Your Small Business Need an IT Department?

If you own, manage or are part of a small business, you may find yourself wondering if you need a designated IT employee or an IT department. It is not a question of whether IT concerns will arise but a matter of when, how often, and how problematic they will be. We've all been there and ...

What Are Managed IT Services?

If you are part of a small business, you know there is a lot to manage, and often job duties and responsibilities are plentiful, which can cause some owners and employees to become overwhelmed with an increasing workload. It is often helpful to outsource some responsibilities you may not have the ...

Time to Update Your Software and Operating System?

When you are focused on growing your business, staying up to date with software and operating system updates might not be at the top of your to-do list. However, neglecting these updates can have serious consequences for your organization. As Bret Arsenault, Chief Information Security Officer ...

Hybrid Workplaces Require New Security Measures

Hybrid workplaces are here to stay and the spectrum of office configurations requires a new approach to network security. Many companies are adapting by limiting their physical footprint with the use of “Flexwork Space.” Flexwork spaces are smaller, multi-purpose, cross-functional spaces and ...

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Small Businesses Are Ransomware Targets

Is your business too small to be targeted by ransomware? Unfortunately, bad actors are equal opportunity criminals, and do not discriminate about the size of their victims’ companies. In fact, many of these criminals target small businesses for exactly this reason. No business is too small. According to the Secretary of the Department of Homeland Security, Alejandro ...

Staying Safe From Phishing and Spear-Phishing

Do you know how to protect yourself against digital scams? Phishing – the practice of using email lures to fish for passwords, credit card numbers, and other personal information from a sea of users – has been around since 1996. Still, most people were not aware of the problem for five years until the Love Bug struck about 50 million computers. The result: removal of the ...

Protecting Yourself from Phishing Attacks

Have you wondered how to protect your company from phishing attacks? Phishing has been a problem since before the term first appeared in an internet newsgroup in 1996. Since then, internet criminals have grown increasingly more sophisticated. These widespread requests for information might ask users to verify accounts or confirm billing information. Their purpose: to gain ...

Ransomware Is Preventable

Unfortunately it’s become more common to hear about major ransomware attacks and companies that have been hacked. It’s a grim reminder that companies and networks can be attacked at any time with serious impacts. While it could be unlikely that your business is attacked and extorted for money by a criminal hacking group, the signs point to these events occurring more ...

7 Cybersecurity Tips to Keep Your Business Safe From Fraud

Tax time is a time to beware of fraudsters—especially for small business owners! Two suggestions to help: be informed and be alert. Now’s the time to refresh yourself on the basics of cybersecurity. You need to be aware of the types of fraud that threaten you: phishing where emails request personal information, spear-phishing attacks where the request is targeted directly ...