Have you wondered how to protect your company from phishing attacks? Phishing has been a problem since before the term first appeared in an internet newsgroup in 1996. Since then, internet criminals have grown increasingly more sophisticated. These widespread requests for information might ask ...
Many people who can work from home do work from home these days. But how many put up with spotty or slow internet service? You know how frustrating this can be. With Netflix running in one part of the house, you are sitting on a frozen Zoom call in your office. You’ve subscribed to the best service ...
Unfortunately it’s become more common to hear about major ransomware attacks and companies that have been hacked. It’s a grim reminder that companies and networks can be attacked at any time with serious impacts. While it could be unlikely that your business is attacked and extorted for money by a ...
Cloud storage can be perfect for so many technical issues. It allows you to share resources among staff and mitigate data risk. It makes it possible to access your files from anywhere as long as you have a good internet connection. But not all cloud storage systems are created equal. The article ...
Is cybersecurity a new concept for you? Or are you a computer-savvy user who knows just what to do to protect yourself? Either way, you may be more vulnerable than you think. “Phishing” attacks—email requests for sensitive information—are growing more common today. Plus, they are becoming more and ...
The small business landscape is no stranger to change, especially over the past year when work had to be done either remotely or following strict safety standards. It was unchartered waters for most. The ones that were already tech-savvy were best prepared, as they already had the infrastructure to allow for remote work. While last year was all about software that helped ...
With all the stress the pandemic has placed on businesses, it would have worse 20 to 30 years ago with only telephones, early cellphones, beepers, and fax machines as the lifelines to our teams and customers. Businesses would have had to completely shut down or risk employee illness. The advancement of digital technology has been nothing short of amazing. But with the ...
There’s no doubt that the cloud has made business easier and, for the most part, safer for organizations around the world — and their clients. This is especially true during the pandemic, with remote work being the norm. But not every cloud solution is the same. Affordability, accessibility, and security are all considerations, and having an understanding of the cloud ...
According to research done by the Wiz Research team — a team of cloud security professionals from Microsoft — we’re far too trusting of the parties we do business with. In fact, over 80% of companies provide 3rd party vendors with access to information and data on their cloud — which may cause both a security risk and a privacy risk. It’s scary to think of how many people ...
Have you had an email outage? We’ve recently received several calls from customers with email issues – here’s what we’ve learned. Email outages are occurring after web developers inadvertently make changes to DNS records. So, when you are having website updates or development work done, there are two important steps to take: 1. Keep your IT group informed of web ...