Cloud computing is something most business owners have heard about in some way, as today’s customers expect things faster and more secure than ever. Utilizing the cloud allows a business to store, manage, and access data and applications over the internet. Not all clouds are the same, however, and ...
Gone are the days of pen and paper record keeping and security being the lock on your filing cabinet. In today's environment, having an IT support team is no longer a 'nice to have' or something that only tech companies need worry about; from streamlining operations to improving customer ...
A productive workplace is crucial to maintaining a successful business. Having reliable employees and sound processes are part of the equation, but what happens when your technology can't keep up with the demands of today's digital-driven landscape? The occurrence of tech issues can significantly ...
When you own, operate or manage a small business, you are, without a doubt, juggling a lot of responsibilities. It's easy to overlook the importance of the unseen, and cybersecurity is a common area that small businesses fail to stay on top of or let fall by the wayside. Being proactive in online ...
When you are focused on growing your business, staying up to date with software and operating system updates might not be at the top of your to-do list. However, neglecting these updates can have serious consequences for your organization. As Bret Arsenault, Chief Information Security Officer ...
Hybrid workplaces are here to stay and the spectrum of office configurations requires a new approach to network security. Many companies are adapting by limiting their physical footprint with the use of “Flexwork Space.” Flexwork spaces are smaller, multi-purpose, cross-functional spaces and stations that will be used by multiple team members. Many of our valued clients ...
Save Your Data Single-Handedly with Digital Storage With 94% of organizations using cloud services, data storage is arguably the most important part of any business—especially small to medium-sized businesses that are just getting started. Think of data storage as the brain behind your company. Without a memory, the essence of you doesn’t exist. Without data storage, the ...
Do you know how to protect yourself against digital scams? Phishing – the practice of using email lures to fish for passwords, credit card numbers, and other personal information from a sea of users – has been around since 1996. Still, most people were not aware of the problem for five years until the Love Bug struck about 50 million computers. The result: removal of the ...
Have you wondered how to protect your company from phishing attacks? Phishing has been a problem since before the term first appeared in an internet newsgroup in 1996. Since then, internet criminals have grown increasingly more sophisticated. These widespread requests for information might ask users to verify accounts or confirm billing information. Their purpose: to gain ...
Many people who can work from home do work from home these days. But how many put up with spotty or slow internet service? You know how frustrating this can be. With Netflix running in one part of the house, you are sitting on a frozen Zoom call in your office. You’ve subscribed to the best service you can locate. You pay for it every month. But are you sure you are ...