Network Audit

Premier IT offers comprehensive network audits to determine areas of improvement for your company’s technology infrastructure to maximize ROI and minimize any system downtime.

Network Audit Advantages

Using Premier IT for your regular network audits ensures that your company experiences numerous advantages when it comes to information technology. Here are some of the benefits that you can experience:

  • Learn where there are weak spots in your infrastructure
  • Enhance firewall and data security
  • Increase network efficiencies
  • Reduce downtime and poor performance
  • Minimize exposure to security threats

Do You Need a Comprehensive Audit of Your Technology Systems?

To figure out whether your company needs a comprehensive technology audit, Premier IT recommends asking yourself these main questions:

  • Have you had security breaches recently?
  • Are you confident that your computer network is effectively and efficiently taking care of your business needs?
  • Are your computers and network environment secured against the latest threats?
  • Is your data stored consistently and intelligently?
  • If you have an issue, can you get an answer right away from someone who knows what they’re talking about?

If you hesitated to say “yes” or answered “no” to any of the above questions, talk to our Premier IT team today to get a comprehensive audit of your technology systems. With our network audit, we’ll show you solutions to secure your technology systems and minimize downtime.

How Does the Premier IT Network Audit Process Work?

Premier IT uses an expert information technology team to complete your network audit by following these main steps.

  1. Consultation: Premier IT gets to know you and your business upfront to determine things like your business needs, goals, and technology system history.
  2. Network Examination: A Professional Solutions advisor will examine your current systems for gaps, inefficiencies, and overspending. We do this all in person to build rapport.
  3. Report: After this consultation, you will receive a summary report that includes actionable items that, when completed, will maximize your return on investment and minimize any system downtime.

What’s Included in the Premier IT Network Audit Package

Risk Assessment Graphic
Risk Assessment
Premier IT delves into your system network to identify risks and security threats that could cause damage or compromise your data.
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Fault-tolerance review
The Premier IT team will test your system’s ability to operate without interruption when at least one of its components may be down.
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Upgrade and replacement recommendations
After providing a comprehensive network report, your Premier IT technician will make recommendations on what to upgrade or replace to keep your system functioning at its best.
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Cost reduction recommendations
Premier IT finds areas to streamline your network processes using automated tools, training, updates, and by reallocating funds to high-risk areas.
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External network pen test
By completing external network penetration testing, Premier IT can make security assessments and find solutions for external system vulnerabilities.

I want my network audit

Please submit the form to request a low-cost network audit. Someone from our team will contact you to discuss our on-site systems audit.

Network Audit